Mary Sophia Hagglund
1853 - 1935

Mary Sophia Hagglund was born in Smoland, Sweden, on July 16, 1853, the eldest child of Peter and Anne Hagglund. She came to America with her parents when she was about 12 years old (c. 1865). Her brother, Otto, was a year younger. The Hagglunds lived first in Illinois and then in Page County, Iowa, before 1870.

On April 21 (or 22) 1872, at the age of 18, Mary Sophia was married at Clarenda, in Page County, Iowa, to John Malnburg, 32 years of age. They resided for the rest of their lives in Red Oak, Iowa, where John was a grocer.

John and Mary Sophia Malnburg had ten children. Their fourth child, Laura Alvira, was born on January 13, 1879, in Red Oak. John's mother lived with them before her death in 1887.

Mary Sophia died in Red Oak on December 5, 1935, at age 82. She is buried with her husband in Red Oak.