Nellie H. Herst
1877 - 1922

Nellie Herst was born on January 26, 1877, near Athens, Illinois, the third child of David and Lucinda Jane Herst. When only a year old, Nellie was brought by her parents in a covered wagon to Sumner County, Kansas. The family later moved to the Freeport community in Harper County.

On October 9, 1901, Nellie was married to Lloyd Thomas Foster, already established as a farmer in the Freeprot community. They had three children: THOMAS LLOYD FOSTER, following; David Herst Foster, who died in infancy; and Bernice, who went to live with the family of her uncle Dr. Dean Foster, in Stamford, Conn., following her mother's death. She was married to Warren F. Cressy, Jr. an attorney in Stamford.

Nellie was active in the social and church life in the Freeport community.

She died on June 12, 1922, at her home near Freeport, and is buried in the Freeport Cemetery.